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  • Writer's pictureMathew Philips

Reasons On Having A Scannable Fake id god

Having a scannable fake ID can be helpful in many different situations, it is often the only way that you can get into clubs and purchase alcohol legally, especially if you are under 21 years of age.

If you want to keep your real identity hidden from retailers and bouncers, then a scannable fake ID may be the best option for you.

We have also found that our customers like to buy these IDs as gifts for friends or family members who are turning 21 years old because they find it funny to give them something they cannot use even though they do not have any other use for it.

It Might Be Your Only Option

If you're under 21, you can't buy alcohol in most states, this can be a big problem if your friend or family member is having a party and wants to have alcohol available. You might be able to help them out by having a scannable fake ID for them to use when their friends come over.

You may also want to avoid showing your real ID at all times, if someone asks for it, but doesn't need it for anything important like buying alcohol or going into an R-rated movie theater which are both ways that people learn how old they really are, then there's no need for them to know how young/old they really are!

If You're Under 21, You Can't Buy Alcohol In Most States

If you have a fake ID and are caught using it to purchase alcohol or get into bars, nightclubs or concerts where there is age restricted entry then the consequences can be severe.

In some states like California that have strict laws on underage drinking, they may even confiscate your fake id and charge you with a crime.

You May Want To Avoid Showing Your ID At All

There are many reasons why you would want to keep your real name and information private, but here are a few common ones:

● You don't want to risk being caught with a fake id god, if it's not yours, and if you get caught with it, you could face serious legal consequences

● You don't want to risk being caught with an expired ID, even if it is yours, having an expired license can lead police officers on the road into thinking that you're trying to pass off as someone else entirely--and that's never good for anyone involved

● You don't want them knowing who exactly is behind those dark sunglasses or behind that wig/hat combo from last Halloween

There Are Many Reasons To Have A Scannable Fake ID

If you're under 21, you can't buy alcohol in most states and it's also inconvenient and annoying to always show your ID at bars and clubs when you want to have fun with friends.

A scannable fake ID will allow you to avoid showing your real identity altogether and make your life easier.


We hope that you now have a good understanding of why it may be a good idea to get a scannable fake ID and this is not something that everyone needs, but it can be very helpful if you do. If you're under 21 and want to go out with friends who are older than you, then this type of ID could be the perfect solution for them as well.

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