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  • Writer's pictureMathew Philips

Risks Associated With Buying a Star

It's no secret that buying a star is becoming increasingly popular. For many people, it's a way to memorialize a loved one or commemorate a special event. But what are the risks associated with buying a star? Here are five risks you should know about before making your purchase.

1. You Might Not Be Getting What You Pay For

When you buy a star, you're not actually buying the physical star itself. Instead, you're buying the right to have that star named after you or your loved one. The problem is there are no rules or regulations governing the sale of stars, which means that anyone can name a star anything they want. So, while you may think you are purchase a star in the night sky, there's no guarantee that anyone else will be able to find it.

2. The Stars Might Not Be Visible

Even if you do manage to find the star you've purchased, there's no guarantee that it will be visible to the naked eye. Stars vary in their brightness, and some are simply too faint to be seen without the aid of a telescope. So, if you're looking for a visible reminder of your loved one, buying a star might not be the best option.

3. Your Star Might Already Have a Name

It's also worth noting that stars already have names—scientific names, that is. And while the name you give your star might be special to you, it's not likely to be used by astronomers or included in scientific publications. So, if you're looking for immortality, buying a star might not be the best way to achieve it.

4. You Could Be Wasting Your Money

Because there are no rules or regulations governing the sale of stars, there's no guarantee that you're getting what you pay for when you purchase one. In fact, most experts agree that buying a star is nothing more than a waste of money. So, if you're looking to make a wise investment, buying a star is probably not the best option.

5. You May Not Be Supporting A Worthwhile Cause

When you purchase a star from some companies, part of your fee goes towards supporting various causes such as cancer research or animal welfare. However, other companies keep all of the profits for themselves without giving any back to worthy causes. So, before you purchase a star, be sure to do your research to ensure that your money is going toward something worthwhile.

Buying a star might seem like a fun and romantic gesture, but it's important to be aware of the risks involved before making your purchase. Keep these five risks in mind, and you'll be sure to make a wise decision when it comes to buying a star.


There are a number of risks associated with buying a star—risks that many people are unaware of until after they've made their purchase. Before buying a star, be sure to do your research so that you know what you're getting into and can make an informed decision about whether or not it's right for you.

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